Saturday, January 3, 2009

9 more days! It's actually a little hard to comprehend the fact that all Neal has been working for is finally going to have a destination. It has been since September of 2007 that Neals band Royal Bliss had finished their first album after being signed to a major record label, and now, a year+ later, it will finally be released WORLD WIDE! For the past year getting the support from the label has been a struggle for the band and has put them in a position to go out and sale themselves. Which I know they have! Meeting new fans and making new friends and getting radio on their side, this last tour has finally proven to be better than what any corporate ass would have expected from the dudes! IN YOUR FACE!

These guys, especially Neal, deserve the recognition they are about to receive on January 13th! The album is beautiful! I am so proud of Neal and admire his passion and motivation to keep going and give more than 100% in reaching his dreams. I know and feel in my heart that this is going to be so huge and I am so happy for him!

Way to go Babe! This is YOUR moment to shine and shine you will!

so..........." Here is to good times, good friends, and beautiful women!"...................................and a black card! HAHA


Manolakis Family said...

Yay! Congratulations and can't wait to get my new CD.

Anonymous said...

Linz that would be awesome! Thanks for thinking of us. Congrats on the huge next step for you guys. Can't wait for the new album.

Jamber said...

The CD is awsome... we all love it!

Wes said...

Best CD I've ever heard!! And there isn't a band that could deserve it more. You are "the music man! I've never heard anyone like you!" Got a few more pics and words about "Royal Bliss" on my blog...